Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Song Questions

  1. Who is the artist and what is the name of the song? The artist is System Of A Down, and the song name is B.Y.O.B.
  2. When was this song written and recorded? The song was written, recorded, and released, in 2005.
  3. Why can this song be classidfied as a 'protest song'? What is it protesting? This song can be classified as a protest song because the lyrics are questioning and going against the war in Iraq and also trying to get other people against it too. This song is protesting the war on terror in Iraq, as well as president Bush.
  4. What is the message of the song? What is the artist trying to say? I think the message of this song is that president bush was trying to trick people into thinking the war was a good thing. They talked about how he would give the soldiers money to go to college they referred to the war as a party, how Bush makes it seem. The artist is trying to say that they always send the poor because they are too uneducated to question the morals they are fighting for, and that its funny how they never send the rich white upper class people to fight, like Bush.
  5. What is the tone/mood of the song? (is it hopeful/opptimistic or synical/pessimistic) The mood of this song is dark and angry. They get this feel by using deep sounds, loud sounds, and making them quick and aggressive.
  6. Why did you choose to do this song? Why did it attract your attention /or what did you like about it? I chose this song because it was kind of a popular song a couple years ago, and I dont think people really realised the song's true meaning that it was protesting president Bush and the war in Iraq.What I liked about it was the way it sounds, it sounds really good. It also has a couple different sounds like the chorus and the verses sound fairly different but you can still tell that they are in the same song.
  7. How does the music video help to get the protest message across? The music video helped to get the protest message across by using kind of scary images of the brainwashed soldiers, and the colours they used added kind of a dark feeling to it to show what they think of the topic.

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